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6 Common Blocks to Astral Projection and How to Overcome Them

Writer's picture: Sarah DresserSarah Dresser

Even if you have been practicing astral projection for some time, you may find that you cannot get past a certain point, whether this be the relaxation, vibration or exit stage.

From the comments I see and messages received, I generally see the same six issues come up. So here are my tips and solutions to help you overcome the most common blocks. Read on to learn more.

Astral Projection Body

1. Fear Takes Over

Fear, like all strong emotions, will both interrupt your relaxation and block the exit of your astral body. However fear shows up, it keeps you attached to your physical body.

Fear also disrupts your focus and takes you out of the present moment.

Remember that we are all energy. The astral realm is a natural expression of one of many realities of our existence.

Use Psychic Protection

If you are afraid of losing control, you can wear or hold a symbol of protection. Wear an amulet that repels energy and negative entities. Place a talisman in your room as a symbol of the energy you wish to attract.

Both of these help you to protect your energy and your surrounding environment.

Observe Any Vibrations With Detachment

Fear may also kick in at the vibrational state. Calm your emotional state by keeping your breathing steady, slow and deep. Then re-focus your attention on your exit method.

Repeat A Mantra

If your fear relates to negative entities, you can repeat a mantra. I cover this in more detail in another blog article.

Experience shows me that even though there are different realities, the entities that inhabit those realities still respect the boundaries of physical 3D time-space.

So, before you begin your astral projection session, stand at the doorway to your room, and repeat a mantra such as "I permit only the highest beings with my highest good at heart to enter here."

And remember that like attracts like. If you start the session with a positive mindset, you will attract the same.

Practice regularly and you will feel more and more at ease.

2. Focus on the Outcome Instead of the Practice

Another common issue I see is a focus on the goal rather than the process.

Anticipation of success means desire. Anticipation of failure leads to fear or frustration.

Both imply that you are looking ahead instead of focusing on the now.

The way to success lies in letting go: letting go of the outcome and letting go of emotions. I know that this can be challenging. But if you can focus on each step and each breath, you will remain relaxed and mindful of each moment. It is key that you remain calm to successfully achieve an out of body experience (OBE).

How to Begin Your Practice

Start each astral projection practice by acknowledging your emotions and then consciously release them.

Progressive body relaxation will help you to release emotions and regain calm. Focus on your breathing to stay connected to the present moment. Approach each session with curiosity rather than expectations.

And if you have been practicing over and over and feel you are getting frustrated and impatient, that's a good sign to take a break.

I utilize the breath to help you remain in an emotionally neutral state in this Beginner's Astral Projection Hypnosis.

3. Difficulty Relaxing or Lack of Focus

If you are having difficulty relaxing due to distractions in your external environment, then aim to make your space as quiet as possible. Ensure that you turn off any other devices except the one you need to listen to during one of my astral projection hypnosis sessions.

Close curtains or blinds as it is generally easier to enter theta state in a darker environment.

Use noise cancelling headphones to tune out noises from your surrounding environment.

If you struggle to concentrate, one of my longer sessions may not work for you at first.

Start with my short Astral Projection Hypnosis for Beginners. This session purposefully cycles through shorter rounds of relaxation and activation of the astral body to help you stay focused.

Like any muscle, your "mind muscle" will get stronger with practice.

4. Involuntary Body Responses

Do you experience involuntary body twitches or itches during your astral projection practice? Is it only when you try to relax that your body suddenly becomes very restless, or do you need to swallow more than usual? If so, these are actually signs that you are making progress.

The twitches are a sign that your critical mind is trying to regain control. However, these involuntary reflex movements can block you from exiting your physical body.

You can also repeat any mantra silently to use these body responses to your benefit, to create a hypnotic trigger. For example, you can silently state: "Every twitch and itch will pass quickly and will serve to send me deeper into relaxation". You can create any mantra with your own choice of words. Simply ensure that it resonates for you.

I also wrote this Astral Projection Hypnosis with Extended Relaxation in which I utilize these body movements as hypnotic triggers to help you overcome them.

5. Practicing at the Wrong Time of Day or Night

If you practice when too tired you will fall asleep too quickly. If you are too alert you will struggle to achieve the state of "mind awake, body asleep".

Experiment with different times of day and night. Begin by setting your alarm for 2 to 3 hours before you usually wake.

When you wake, move as little as possible to keep the drowsy feeling, and then begin listening to your preferred astral projection hypnosis session.

6. Lack of Commitment to Astral Projection Practice

Just like most skills we acquire, regular practice sets us up for success. Be consistent and patient in your practice. Approach every single session with curiosity and an open mind.

And to help you here are my tips with 7 steps you should take even before you attempt an OBE. Just as with anything new, it may take practice.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guidance serves you well in your astral projection practice.

More than anything, be aware of the energy, emotion and mindset you bring to each of your astral projection practice sessions. Follow the steps above regularly. Wishing you success! I look forward to supporting you on your next astral adventure.

And Now: Practice

If you want to listen to any of my sessions ad-free, you can download any of my hypnosis or meditation audio recordings from the online store here. You can also now get all of your Unlock Your Life MP3s in your own Unlock Your Life MP3 Private Podcast and listen without the distractions and adverts of Youtube.

Listen to one of my Astral Projection Meditations or Hypnosis sessions from the Astral Projection playlist.

If you need help deciding where to start, I recommend you begin with my most popular astral projection hypnosis session. Watch it below.

Thank You for Reading

My name is Sarah from Unlock Your Life and I quit a 17 year corporate career to create a life and work that aligns with my values; work that supports individuals over corporations.

I embrace both the neuroscience and spirituality of hypnotherapy.

My mission is to make hypnosis and hypnotherapy mainstream. My work centres around the belief that therapy and support should be available to everyone at no cost or low cost.

You can read about some of my journey here.

Sarah Dresser Clinical Hypnotherapist Unlock Your Life Hypnosis Meditations and Affirmations

Whether you are looking to break down limiting beliefs and heal from this lifetime's experience or are curious to explore how hypnosis can unlock access to the metaphysical universe, I am here to support you.

You can access my hypnotherapy, meditations and affirmations sessions on my Youtube channel here.

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If you enjoy my work, please consider donating to show support and allow me to continue to produce low-cost and no-cost support for all.

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