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Can't Quiet Your Mind When You Meditate? Here's How Hypnosis Can Help You Sleep Tonight

Writer's picture: Sarah DresserSarah Dresser

If you struggle with insomnia and can't meditate, try hypnotherapy instead

In today's high-speed life, to be asked to quiet your thoughts can feel like being asked to slam on the brakes after driving 100 miles per hour all day, only this is not a physical collision, it is mental and emotional. Trying to quiet the mind can generate more frustration than relaxation.

Here's how hypnosis (hypnotherapy) can get you to sleep from the very first listen without having to fight with your own mind.

You Do Not Need to Quiet Your Mind

Unlike meditation, hypnotherapy does not require a quiet mind to take effect. The part that is narrating your thoughts is your conscious mind. The part of your mind that hypnosis and hypnotherapy engage with is your subconscious, which is also the part responsible for controlling your sleep cycle.

Hypnosis works with your more powerful subconscious, the part that controls your sleep cycle.

So it doesn't matter how noisy your busy mind may be as this is the conscious part of your mind talking. The hypnotherapist can bypass the chattering conscious mind using therapeutic techniques and engage the subconscious mind to start to make all the changes necessary to calm the listener and guide them into sleep.

You may find with hypnotherapy that your mind suddenly becomes quieter or, although you are aware of your thoughts, they seem more distant or less disruptive. It may be a gradual relaxation. Or you may simply go off to sleep even while your mind is still chattering.

Whatever your experience, please remember there is NO pressure to quiet your mind to benefit from sleep hypnosis sessions.

Just as Hypnotherapy Does Not Require You to Be Quiet, You Do Not Need to Sit Still

Another big difference between hypnotherapy and meditation is that you do not even need to sit still.

You do not need to sit still or even quiet your mind for hypnosis to start to have a positive effect to relax you

There are certain forms of moving meditation but these still require some form of focus on the present moment, whereas hypnotherapy does not. Moving meditation is often an exercise for practicing mindfulness whereas with hypnosis techniques your mind can go from the past to the present, to the future, and hypnosis can still take effect so long as you agree to it.

Even movement and noise can be utilized to deepen the hypnotic effect

Any movement can also be used to strengthen the power of hypnosis. The skilled hypnotherapist will know how to utilize whatever the client presents including restlessness or difficulty focusing.

This is why hypnotherapy is so accessible to so many who struggle with meditation.

I do recommend, however, that movement be contained to a safe place and only when you are not performing anything that could put you in danger such as driving a vehicle.

And if you wish to sleep you can start any sleep hypnosis session outside of bed but be sure to stay close by to bed so you can easily drift off to sleep when you decide the time is right.

Hypnotherapy Does Not Require Practice to Benefit

In today's high-speed world we don't always have the luxury of time for regular meditation practice. Hypnotherapy fits with a busy lifestyle. You don't have to try to be or feel a certain way and there's no such concept as "discipline" to benefit.

There is no discipline or habit required to benefit from hypnosis.  You can start to feel the benefits from the very first session.

While meditation or traditional psychotherapy may take weeks or months to show some improvement, a skilled hypnotherapist can help reduce anxiety and help you sleep well again permanently from the very first session.

You most certainly can reap the benefits of regular meditation or self-hypnosis practice, particularly with healing hypnotherapy (medical, emotional, spiritual, or healing at all levels) as, with each time you listen, greater issues can be released and the "10 times effect" means that the more you hear a recording, the easier it is to reach the intended goal and the more powerful the positive result.

You may also find that with regular practice you reach deeper states of hypnosis, Esdaile or Sichort which are believed to be the gateways to transcendence or other dimensions of realities.

But if all you want is to sleep well, it's simply a question of finding the right hypnotherapist or sleep recording that works for you.

Hypnosis Techniques Do Not Require Continual Focus

Hypnotherapy works with your mind, not against it, communicating in ways that the subconscious understands and will respond to and start to slow down.

You can be distracted, stressed and feel unable to focus, and yet you can still benefit from hypnosis and start to feel a significant change in a matter of minutes.

Those suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can benefit from hypnosis too. Focus is not needed, just a willingness to participate and an open mind.

Hypnotherapy can relax you even if you have trouble focusing or even have ADHD

In hypnosis, as with a movie, you're not necessarily paying attention to every word at the beginning but a well-crafted film will engage you through not just the words, but also through the lighting, the music, the association of certain words, the movement, and so on.

Think of how watching a movie can immerse your senses. You know it's not real but you feel the thrill, the danger, the tragedy, and so on and respond to the experience with changes in mood, heart rate, and more.

Hypnosis is a similar experience and although it speaks to the subconscious with images, emotions and sensations, it also is a modality of so many therapeutic techniques beyond pure guided imagery and sensory engagement.

Communicate with your subconscious using guided imagery, and the language of emotions and sensations

And unlike movies, hypnotherapy has very real effects and can directly affect the brain's neuroplasticity. Its ability to rewire the brain for greater calm is just one way in which hypnotherapy can help you. So you not only find yourself feeling calm in the moment, but the benefits can have a permanent positive effect.

Hypnotherapy is a full mind-body therapy. As the subconscious parts of the brain are directly linked to the nervous system and, therefore, the entire body, hypnotherapy can reset the nervous system from the stressed aka sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state and can help correct other symptoms of stress such as high blood pressure, hormone imbalance (sometimes a cause, as well as an effect of insomnia), chronic body tension and more.

Hypnotherapy Can Work on Underlying Psychological Issues Related to Insomnia

Lack of sleep can be a symptom of not just a medical cause but a psychological one. Night time can be a time when anxiety peaks, a time when unresolved fears surface.

In some cases, insomnia can be due to hyper-vigilance due to past trauma. I have worked with clients who suffered abuse that took place at night or, regardless of the time of day, stillness creates greater agitation due to their past experiences.

Again, you don't need to sit still to benefit from hypnotherapy. Whether it is general anxiety, or specific fears related to past events, hypnotherapy can help with all of these. And, in the case of trauma, hypnotherapy can resolve the trauma without needing to revisit the trauma at all.

Hypnotherapy can help clients resolve trauma without ever needing to revisit the trauma

I've developed sessions specifically to recreate a sense of safety at night like this session to Sleep In the Safety of Angels or another session that allows you, the listener, to Create Your Own Safe Space

I hope this has helped show you that hypnotherapy truly is for everybody.

Enjoy watching the latest sleep hypnosis to fall asleep without effort, even while your mind chatters. And if you enjoyed it you can download this MP3 for $9.99 to listen to offline, any time, anywhere. All MP3s are available here.

Also, check out my playlist that specifically targets managing intrusive thoughts and overthinking.

How Hypnotherapy Helped Resolve My Own 10+ Years of Insomnia

My name is Sarah and I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I first discovered hypnotherapy as a last resort to insomnia that resulted from years in a high-stress career.

My passion to create low-cost and no-cost support for all is why I quit a 17-year corporate career to create the job I love and I now support over 300k subscribers to release limiting beliefs, heal past trauma and yes, to get a good night's sleep.

Sarah Dresser Clinical Hypnotherapist
Sarah Dresser Clinical Hypnotherapist

If you have benefitted from my work, please consider donating to support me here on Paypal or through Donorbox

You can access more than 200 hypnotherapy, meditation and affirmations sessions on my YouTube channel here, and connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. As always, I am here to support you on your journey. Wishing you all a peaceful and deep night's sleep.

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