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Retrain Your Brain
Unlock Your Life

with the Power of Hypnosis and Guided Meditation

Woman out in nature meditating hands in


Know that, from this point forward, you do not need to take the journey through life alone; you are always guided and supported by
Sarah from Unlock Your Life.

This is a safe place where you can experience all that you are and all that you feel in privacy and with dignity.

Find the perfect hypnosis, meditation or affirmations session as an an MP3 audio download to support

your healing and growth

in mind, body and spirit.

New Hypnosis and Meditation Audios

1 Hour Release Trauma from the Body

1 Hour Release Trauma from the Body

This is the 1 hour version of the original 2 hour Release Trauma from the Body. This session can be listened to awake or asleep as your subconscious hears every word. With the presence of your guardian you can safely relax, release any stored trauma and continue to heal. This approach goes through each organ as each key area of the body is associated with one predominant emotion. As you release and heal, you may also find that you gain a secondary benefit of physical symptoms also healing. Many chronic diseases can be be a manifestation of emotional toxicity. As emotions are often layered, you may wish to listen for at least 21 days or until you feel that you have reached a state of emotional cleansing and a return to balance and wellbeing.

1 hour


Erase ALL Limiting Beliefs with the Akashic Records

Erase ALL Limiting Beliefs with the Akashic Records

Erase your limiting beliefs by accessing the akashic records. In this session you travel to the room of limiting beliefs within the akashic records. Each wall represents one major block in your life. One by one you learn and release each block and all walls drop away as you free yourself from the invisible prison of your subconscious blocks. You then learn one key soul truth that will serve you and support you on this life's journey. As most people have built up layers of limiting beliefs, listen for 21 days or until you reach a point where there are no more limiting beliefs revealed to you in this session.

1 hour 10 mins


Life Vision Manifestation Meditation

Life Vision Manifestation Meditation

Manifest your dream life a reality as you visualize and step into your future. Travel forwards in time to explore your future home, relationship and life purpose manifested. Explore your future home, witness your life's purpose in action and meet a key future relationship who will change your life for the better. As always, there are hidden gifts session and this meditation one has two: a forgotten treasure from your childhood to help you complete your vision, and a message from your future self to help keep you on track on your life path.

1 hour


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The Gentle Power of Hypnotherapy

Did you know that in a normal waking state your subconscious is typically read only and not open to change?
Hypnotherapy allows the mind to enter read-write state so that you can update any limiting, unhelpful or even harmful beliefs and habits and release toxic emotions.

You can read more about how it changed a decade long issue in just 4 sessions.

Woman doing yoga on a beach rock
Think Yourself Slim one line logo

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